Comprehensive reservation management.
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Comprehensive reservation management.
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The Details tab is used for comprehensive administration of the reservation. For easier understanding, we will divide the window into several sections: Reservations (left column of the screen), Assigned Rooms, Accounts, Guests, Dining, Bottom Bar. The individual sections are described in more detail in the relevant chapters below.
In addition to general guest information, this selection also includes some interactive windows. For example, you will automatically see the source of the reservation, you can add your partner to the reservation. To learn more about partner configuration, click the link below:
In this section you can also mark a reservation as valid and approve it. In case you encounter a situation where a guest has sent an invalid credit card, you can use the "Brand: Invalid Credit Card" button. There are two ways to see the information in Extranet:
If the guest is not sure of their arrival, but would like to have a reservation, you can use the "Option to" icon. In this window you can set any date by which the guest's room will be booked. This is reflected in your calendar as follows:
After the set date has expired, the system will notify you in the introduction section and in the notice board section of the reservation check tab. This change will also be reflected in the calendar as follows:
The options can then simply be deleted by deleting the time stamp in the "Options to" field. You can then consider the reservation as approved or delete it.
The "Labels" are also very practical and can be used to mark a reservation. This will then be reflected in the calendar, booking details, and also when you hover your cursor over the reservation to view the thumbnail of the reservation.
To set up and work with labels, visit the link below:
For reservations we can also distinguish last minute ones - last minute. They will appear graphically with a turquoise border and a "Last minute" label.
For more information, see the link below:
The assigned rooms will show the rooms that the guest has booked. If a guest wants to add a room, you can use the + buttons to select the desired room and date. Click the open door icon to indicate that the guest is staying, or click the same icon again to indicate that the guest is staying.
After clicking the pencil icon (edit room) a new pop-up window will appear.
In this interface, you can also indicate that a guest is staying, detached, or lock a room. The room lock service is related to the hotel overbook phenomenon and can lock the room so that the system can no longer transfer the reservation to another room of the same type. If you use the "Locked" button, the change in the calendar will be reflected by displaying a small anchor for the reservation:
Use the link below to set up room locks (Booked Room Settings):
The "Alias" function is used to rename a reservation to your desired name, which will appear in the calendar under this new name. The original reservation name will remain unchanged.
Using the "Room Rate" you can easily see what rate a guest has chosen for their reservation and will be able to work with the reservation right away. The rate itself will also be displayed in the booking details in the "Assigned Rooms" section, as in the example below - Booking NON - REF:
You can also write a note. In this window you can also assign guests that have already been accommodated in your facility or create a new guest.
After clicking on the calendar icon (show in calendar), the corresponding reservation will be displayed in the main calendar.
After clicking on the Peg-man icon (add guest) a new window with the management of guests will open. This category is described in more detail in the link below:
After clicking on the paperclip icon (add task) you will see a new pop-up window in which you can issue a new task relevant to the reservation. Simply select a task type, such as cleaning. Write a subject, specify a task's status, prioritise it, and add a description if necessary. You can select a term and a responsible user. After entering the responsible user who has to complete the task, the system will offer you the possibility to send a reminder email about the cleaning. The newly entered task is then displayed to the responsible user in the top bar of the Siesta Extranet.
Use the link below to set up tasks:
Click on the cross (delete) to delete the assigned task.
The issue in this section is extensive and is described in great detail on the link below:
In the guests section, you can see the guests that are assigned to a specific reservation. To learn more about assigning guests, visit the link below:
By entering key characters in the search box you can assign guests who have already been accommodated in your facility.
Dining section is used to order catering for your guests. Simply choose the type of catering your guest has ordered. If you do not yet have configured meals, use the link below:
You can create several orders using the icons on the bottom bar in the booking detail. Add a new account to the reservation, send the guest an email, print the reservation, go to the online check-in link, delete the reservation or return to the reservation list.
No-show boxes and invalid credit shortcuts only appear if the booking came from a channel. After clicking on the no-show the system sends information about the guest not arriving, so you will not pay any booking. The invalid credit card button sends a request to add a new card to
If you click on the "Print Booking" icon, you will see a pop-up window in which you can select the information you want to print. If your guests have completed the signature through the online check-in service, this guest print can also serve as a record for the Foreign Police's house book.