It creates a clear marking of reservations or guests.
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It creates a clear marking of reservations or guests.
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You can use tags for more information about guests and reservations in the Siesta Extranet. Tags are displayed for each reservation. Labeled reservations can be filtered on the reservation list, and depending on the settings, labels can also be displayed in the calendar. Guest labels appear next to guests and can be filtered by guest list in the guest list.
Setting up and using labels is easy. In the Tags tab, click the "Add Tag" button in the lower right corner.
On the Add Tag screen, you can enter a name, select a color, and finally choose a type that determines whether it is a guest or reservation tag.
If you choose a reservation label type, you can also set the "Important" radio button to 'Yes'. Important labels are also displayed in the calendar for reservations.
To assign a label to a guest or a reservation on the booking detail (or guest), start typing the name of the label in the "Tag" field. As soon as you enter the first character, matching labels will automatically appear in the whispers.